document design
Impact Starter Kit
Objective: Using the Bitwise Impact brand guide create three product designs for branded office products such as folders, letterhead, business cards, etc.

Programs used: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign

Design Concept: I leaned into the design elements in the Impact brand guide to create a cohesive design that could be used for many branded office items. The repetition of the triangles on all products makes it so the products no only catch the eye but creates a strong association between each product and the Impact brand. The business card and Letter head relies on  design elements rather then imagery to create a professional image. The folder, which will be used for investment marketing, relies on hand holding imagery to bring through Bitwise Impact’s goal of creating partnership and community improvement with their target audience.
Double Time Fitness Poster
Objective: Create a poster introducing the reopening of Double Time Fitness. Include the logo and a medallion advertising the hours. State the major perks in a way that is easy to read and draws attention. Include contact information.

Programs used: Illustrator, Photoshop

Design Concept: White space was used to draw the most attention to the advertised details. The medallion was designed to give a special call out to the gym being open 24 hours. The oval green, black, and white lines help to draw the viewers attention to the relevant information while simultaneously giving a energetic and active feel to the poster. The back ground images serve to visual inform the viewer what the poster is advertising without drawing attention away from the details. The woman in the foreground serves to draw attention to the poster and inform the view before reading what is being advertised.
White Paper
Objective: Using the white paper text provided create a visually appealing and easy to digest document that can be used to inform and persuade future investors.

Programs used: InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Excel

Design Concept: White paper designed to make important investor information visually appealing and easier to digest. Visual elements, icons, and graphs are used to guide the reader from start to finish though this text heavy document and improve overall understanding of the content. Design elements and icons and images were chose not only to convey the message but to keep within Bitwise Industries branding guidelines.
Fence Wrap
Objective: Design a fence wrap advertising Bitwise Industries classes to be place on the construction fence at the new construction site in Toledo, OH.

Programs used: Illustrator, Photoshop

Design Concept: I wanted to make sure that all the elements were large and easy to read for a passing vehicle. I included imagery that personifies Bitwise Industries emphasis on providing tech education for undeserved communities and cooperative work. The design elements were chosen to keep with Bitwise Industries branding standards.
Women’s Empowerment Arthop Poster
Objective: Create a poster to announce the upcoming theme of women’s empowerment for Arthop at Bitwise Industries.

Programs used: Illustrator, Photoshop

Design concept: I chose a color pallet that represented the women’s movement. Using this pallet I created photoshop images of Marie Curie, Katherine Johnson, Frida Kahlo, Winona LaDuke, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a Malala Yousafzai in the style of Shepard Fairey. These iconic women are depicted leading the path for a young unknown woman to follow, giving her the strength to forge her one path.
Work Force Training Popup Banner
Objective: Using the Work Force Training branding create a design that can be used on a pop up banner for upcoming job fairs. Make it easy to read for people walking by quickly and eye catching.

Programs used: Illustrator

Design Concept: I chose a vivid picture of young people studding together on computers so that anyone walking by would know that this banner has to do with tech education. WFT branding elements, such ash the boxes, were used to bring attention the important information and tie the elements together. The WFT gradient at the bottom was used to draw attention to the relevant contact information for anyone interested in learning more.
Cowork Ticket
Objective: Create a business card size ticket that Cowork members can give to their friends to allow temporarily access to Cowork work spaces. Provide a QR code that links to the Cowork sign up website. Include the a space to write an expiration date and temporary entry code. Include on the opposite side on the card a list om amenities.

Programs used: Illustrator

Design Concept:  The front side of the card was designed to look like a ticket with expiration date and pass code made to look like event date and seating  location information. The perforated line on the end of the card separating the QR code looks like the tear-off portion of a ticket.